the answer is still no, and a few other demonsA collection of sewn works on display at AS220, Reading Room, Summer 2021 the answer is still no Stitched fabric, framed 48" x 24" 2016-2021 the answer is still no Detail Stitched fabric, framed 48" x 24" 2016-2021 from your dreams i came Stitched fabric, framed 33" 1/2 x 13" 2021 from your dreams i came Detail Stitched fabric, framed 33" 1/2 x 13" 2021 a fighting horse Stitched fabric, framed 36" x 30" a fighting horse Detail Stitched fabric, framed 36" x 30" the fight is over Stitched fabric, framed 21" 3/4 x 40" 2015 unnamed Stitched fabric, framed 3" x 2" 2021 SOLD